If you have received vaccine shots recently, you might know the importance of a vaccination card. The card is a crucial document that holds essential information about your immunization. It has your name, date of birth, IIS record number, and details of your doses, including when you received the first and second doses and any other doses as part of the immunization drive. Hence, it would help if you protected it with a vaccination card holder.
Why Do You Need to Protect This Document?
The vaccination record card is made of paper which needs adequate protection. Since the pandemic is far from over, you might be required to produce the vaccination card to gain entry at some venues and public places.
Frequent handling or folding of the vaccination card can damage the document, and you might be required to apply for a copy of the vaccination card. Hence, it would help if you considered different ways to protect this document.
You can either laminate the vaccination record card or use vaccination cardholders to protect this document.
Why Vaccination Record Cardholder Offers the Best Protection?
The Design
The vaccination cardholders have outer dimensions of 4.35″ x 3.38″. The insert is around 4.00″ x 3.00″. The cardholder is categorized as a large badge holder, which can scan vaccination record cards issued in the US.
The vaccination cardholder is perfect for holding a CDC card or any other identity card like VIP entry cards, special event badges, venue passes, convention pass and many more. You can slip your vaccination card into the cardholder and protect it from damage.
The cardholder is lightweight as it is made of vinyl(flexible plastic). It is available in a rectangular shape, and the vaccination record card fits in easily. The vaccination card stays protected in a robust casing from all sides. The cardholder protects the vaccination card from sweat, moisture, and other environmental elements that damage paper-based IDs.
The ID badge features a lanyard slot. It comes with holes and slots to attach a lanyard. When you attach a lanyard to the ID badge, you can wear it around your neck, and the vaccination cardholders can be easily seen by the person standing in front of you.
When you use the ID badge with a lanyard and wear it around your neck, you will not be required to store the vaccination card in a bag or your pocket. The authorities at the entry gate can see it. If needed, they can take a closer look at the vaccination card by holding the id badge closer to their face. Also, you can remove the lanyard and hand over the vaccination card for closer inspection.
Why Is a Cardholder Better Than Laminating the Card?
Many people consider lamination as one of the options to protect the vaccination card. However, there are certain drawbacks to laminating your vaccination card. If you have only received one vaccine dose and are waiting for the second, lamination is not the right option.
After laminating the vaccine card, there is no way to add details without removing the lamination, damaging the vaccination card. On the other hand, a cardholder can be helpful in every scenario.
If you are waiting for the second vaccine shot, you can store the vaccine card in the cardholder. When you arrive at the vaccination center, you can remove the vaccination card from the badge, get the new details record on it, and put it back in the cardholder. It’s that simple.
To sum up, when the market opens entirely, and the government allows people to gather, most venues will follow the protocol of recent negative tests or vaccination records to grant entry. The vaccination record cardholder will help you provide the evidence of your vaccination quickly and help you get entry at such venues.
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