It’s time to improve the security and safety of our loved ones. Covid-19 is spreading all around, and we have to follow SOPs. Therefore wearing a face mask is essential. This argument led to a shortage of face masks in medical stores. So you do not have to wear unique, expensive face masks. You can even sew it at your home with cotton cloths.

But some people think that it is no more than a tiresome task. So wind up your boredom and do something creative. Today we will discuss how customizing masks with iron ons reduces boredom and benefits us. So let’s interrogate it in details;

  • patching your organization logo

Face masks do not mean you make yourself look like a thief or dacoit. Also, when we have to go to college, and we find black covered faces—the safety switches to boredom. Calm down! Vanish out your boredom by iron-ons face mask patches of your college logo. It would help you to recognize your fellows as well as representing a particular institute where you are studying.

You can do it at your home by watching certain DIY iron-on videos. Also, if you want to order online, there are hundreds of sites available.

  • Patching your profession

Beauty always sparkles in your eyes. But also if you want to tell yourself and your profession, Use iron-on face mask patches with your profession signature. Now there are softwares for designing logos and signatures. Just spare a few minutes and design a unique signature that represents your profession. Print it and now iron it on your face mask. 

It’s done, you are now feeling impressive as your face mask is telling you about yourself—no need to give your intro to each and every one.

  • Iron-ons patches that use for brand awareness

Our working duties won’t stop. It is compulsory to work if we want to fill our tummy. Also, for big brands, the meetings and customer relation services are continued in this pandemic. So wearing a mask is crucial. You can do something better, which will secure you as well as use for your brand awareness. And that is iron-ons. 

You can order a customized iron-on sticker for face masks. Now you have to give it to your customers and wear it yourself. It would increase your brand awareness, and more people will reach out to you.  Most marketing strategists are recommending this method for increasing sales also. Hence wearing a face mask is not as boring a task as you think.

  • sewing colourful mask with iron-on smileys

Life and time will not stop for anyone. Therefore marriage ceremonies and birthday parties could not be allowed. Also, it is becoming a fashion trend in almost all countries. People throw out their boredom and now enjoy their events even after following all SOPs. I forget about mentioning the fashion trend, which is wearing a matching face mask with smiley iron-ons. 

If you visit the Asian countries like India or Pakistan, there you will see that especially masks are sewn for them matching with their clothes. The attendants of that marriage ceremony use iron-on smileys over masks. In this way, they show their sincerity with the occasion and also create humour. It helps them to forget a hard time of deaths and enjoy pure pleasure. Hence you can also join this fashion quickly.

The method is quite simple; let imagine you want to design a matching face mask. Bring a piece of cloth from the market that is made of cotton. You can crochet it with specific designs, but if you want to iron-on, it doesn’t make it stuffed with beads. Just bring your favourite sticker and iron it on your face mask. Here your preparation for the ceremony ends.


wearing a mask is compulsory as well as safe. So we cannot compromise over it and endanger our lives. What we can do is create something new. So iron on your face masks and reduce your boredom in this fatal situation. Please do not go out unnecessarily, save your life and your beloved ones by conveying this info to them. Stay home and save your life.