
New Digs: How to Prepare for an Office Move?

Being a business owner often means making difficult decisions. For example, if the office space you’re in now is holding you back, it’s probably time to move to another location.

Maybe you need something bigger? Or maybe you need something more centrally located?

Regardless of why you’re contemplating an office move, one thing is certain. You need to plan ahead to make sure your move is as successful and seamless as possible.

We want to help. Keep reading for a quick office move checklist to help you on your way.

Talk to Your Staff About the Move

First, you owe it to your staff to let them know that you’ll be moving to a new office as soon as you make the decision. This office move will affect them on multiple levels.

For all employees, a new location means a new commute to work. It may be better for some, yet worse for others. They’ll need time to strategize and make new plans for getting their kids to school, taking lunch breaks, going to the gym before/after work, etc.

Alert Your Customers and Clients

Unfortunately, there are some risks of moving your business. Most businesses experience some level of customer loss after moving to a new office.

You can mitigate customer fallout by letting them know about your office move well in advance. Make sure you reach out to each customer or client individually through email, text, or phone.

Additionally, advertise the date of your move and the location of your new office space on your website and social media pages. We also recommend posting signage on your entrance doors for customers to see when they come to your location.

Figure Out What Moving Supplies and Assistance You’ll Need

One of the most important steps in an office move is planning ahead. Contact local commercial moving companies in advance to get some estimates of their costs.

Determine what types of services you’ll need. Do you want to hire movers who will come in and do everything for you? Or maybe it would be more appropriate to rent a moving truck or moving containers.

Decide what’s best for you and your staff. What will make your move as easy and streamlined as possible?

Get a Head Start

Finally, no matter what you decide to do to complete your office move, get started sooner rather than later. For liability reasons, have your employees relocate their personal items themselves. That way you don’t have to worry about their valuable or sentimental items being damaged.

If you’re completing the move without a moving company, it will be easier to move things progressively, rather than saving it all for one day or weekend. In the weeks leading up to your official relocation, begin moving non-essential items to the new office space.

Preparing for an Office Move?

If you’re thinking about moving to a new office, we know how much work you have ahead of you. We hope you found our office move checklist helpful.

Good luck with your move, and feel free to stick around to check out some of our other articles. Our blog was created to help business owners like you save time, money, and stress.

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