
The Fundamentals Of Website Design Your Business Should Prioritize

No matter what type of website design you prefer for your business, it must fulfill its intended function of conveying your brand message while engaging with the audience. Factors such as simplicity, usability, and functionality contribute to an effective website design.

Aside from that, there are fundamentals of website design you should prioritize for your business website, and these include the following:

Website Objective Or Purpose

When it comes to website design, you need to define your website’s main objective or purpose. Determine if your website’s purpose is to inform clients about your products and contact, increase sales, get more leads, or more. 

Unfortunately, most designers tend to ignore or skip this step and make assumptions about what their clients seek instead. Due to this, some websites end up having a website that doesn’t aim for their company’s goals. This is the reason why it’s essential to work with expert website designers who understand the importance of your website’s purpose. If you’re looking for one, check out this website.

The best website designers prioritize your business needs and help identify your website’s purpose with you. They also know the content that must live on every page and how pages must interact or relate to the rest of your website.


Another fundamental aspect of website design your business must prioritize is simplicity. It’s the best path to take when considering your website’s usability and user experience. Some of the ways to achieve simplicity in your website design are as follows: 

  • Use Simple Typography – Typography plays a big role on your website. It works as the visual interpretation of your brand voice. To get the best results, use no more than three fonts on your website, and your typefaces must be legible.
  • Find A Color Palette That Fits Your Brand – Color can impact your user’s perception of your brand as it evokes emotional responses. For example, blue is the most universally liked as it inspires feelings of trust, while purple makes your design stand out as it demands attention. It’s best to keep your color selection limited to five colors. Additionally, a pleasing color combination may help boost your website’s customer engagement.

Visual Hierarchy

When designing a website for your business, you should prioritize cohesive and clear visual aids so that your users can understand the hierarchy in your website and have easy and quick access to what they’re looking for. To achieve this, make sure to focus on visual hierarchy.

Generally, visual hierarchy refers to the presentation or arrangement of design elements that influence the order of importance in your web content. By using principles like scale and contrast, you can easily establish every element in its rightful place and help the most essential elements to stand out.


Web visitors are more likely to stay on your website if they find your design interactive, intuitive, and easy to navigate. To maintain excellent navigation, you must:

  • Use Breadcrumbs – These offer web visitors traceable trails of the areas they’ve been to on your website, making it easy for them to track the pages they visited.
  • Follow The Three-Click Rule – Ensure that your users can find everything they’re looking for in three clicks.

If your website users find your navigation confusing, they’ll leave your website and find the information they need on your competitor’s website. So, be sure to prioritize navigation in your website design. This way, your visitors will stay longer browsing your website, giving them a great experience.


An effective business website has both outstanding design and great content. When writing website content, use compelling language to attract visitors and convert them into loyal customers. Remember that the web is for everyone and not only for search engine bots and technical experts.

So, make sure that your content is easy to read and understand. For instance, if you’re using acronyms, spell it out on the first reference. If you need to discuss niche or complex terms, write a simple explanation about them so that your target audience can quickly understand the message you’re trying to convey.

In terms of sentence structure, opt for simple sentences and avoid long sentences that can be complicated to read. If possible, write your content in a more straightforward manner.

White Space

It refers to the empty spaces on your website, which provide much-needed breathing room to enable visitors to focus their attention on various parts of your pages. White space also makes your business website easy to read and navigate.

You can create more white space through the following:

  • Break up your texts into smaller pieces. Make white space in your blocks of text by breaking up big sections and using shorter paragraphs.
  • Divide your pages into various sections. Rather than cramming your content in one block, use different blocks for your page to create an ideal amount of white space.

Mobile Optimization

The rise of mobile devices and smartphones has made it necessary for websites to be mobile-compatible.  Today, most of a website’s traffic comes from mobile devices. It means that if your websites have only been optimized for desktop devices, you’ll end up losing more customers browsing on their tablets and mobile phones. To avoid this, ensure that your website is also compatible and optimized for mobile devices.

Fast Loading Time

No one wants to wait for several minutes for websites to load. As a matter of fact, online users are impatient and won’t wait for more than three seconds for pages to load. Therefore, if you want to build a successful website for your business, you need to optimize your website speed.

To get an idea about your website speed, you can use free tools like website speed tests available online. Then, work with an expert website designer to know how to improve it. Aside from your website speed, your images should also be optimized so that they won’t slow your website down.


With the different websites available online, it makes it difficult to stand out and stay ahead of the competition. However, by applying the above website design fundamentals properly, you can be assured that your business website will have a competitive edge, enabling you to beat your primary competitors successfully.

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