
Here’s How You Can Warm Up for Your Flight Training Course

Joining a flight school is non-negotiable if you intend to receive aircraft flight training and become a pilot. However, there are certain aspects of flight training that you can start to work on by yourself. Whether you plan to prepare yourself for your first flight class so that you’re not entirely clueless, or you have some time in hand before your course begins, you can start working on certain simple things, which have been listed below.

  • Basic Aerodynamics

An airplane is built on the principle of aerodynamics, and a pilot should always have an in-depth understanding of how each component of an airplane works. The controls that you’re trained to use in the cockpit to maneuver the plane help control different components based on this very principle. So, you can look up how airplanes fly and understand the basics of aerodynamics and how the different components of an airplane such as the wings, empennage, powerplant, etc. function.

  • Practice Using Flight Simulators

Pilots are required to have exceptional hand-eye coordination in addition to aviation knowledge. To develop these skills with respect to flying an aircraft, you can start by practicing flying an aircraft on a full desktop simulator or an app on your phone or tablet. While this may only familiarize you with the basics, building upon these skills can prove to be quite beneficial.

  • Acquaint Yourself with Weather Principles

Pretty much like aerodynamics principles, flying an aircraft also depends on the weather conditions. In fact, when landing and taking off from certain airports such as Heathrow Airport, Tenzing-Hillary Airport, among others, it is required for the pilot to be extremely skilled as these airports can test the flying skills with their unpredictable weather conditions. Studying different effects such as warm and cold fronts, Coriolis effects, microburst, etc. can help in your training.

  • Memorize the Phonetic Alphabet

Pilots, when communicating, use special phonetic alphabets for convenient and effective communication while flying. These are called NATO or ICAO phonetic alphabets. In such an alphabet system, each character has telephony such as alpha for A, bravo for B, and so on for both alphabets and numbers. For instance, a certain combination of numbers and alphabets, which could be the name of a certain aircraft, such as 4A261 would be called four-alpha-two-six-one. You can start practicing this, which will make it easier for you when you start to receive your training.

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These are some of the aspects that form the basics of flight training. However, do keep in mind that despite being able to learn these things on your own, joining a flight school is absolutely imperative when you plan to become a pilot. While you practice these basic things before you join a school for flight training, you can also take your written exam. Commonly called the Airman Knowledge Test Report, you will find variations of it in different countries, and joining a school after already clearing the test can come as a huge relief for you.

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