
Water Quality Impacts ice Quality! Is Your Commercial ice Maker up to The Task?

Water is essential to life. And if you’re in the hospitality industry, it’s just as important for the survival of your business! 

It’s essential for cleaning, cooking, and can even affect the quality of your beverages. This is particularly relevant if you’re making cocktails and other drinks that require frozen ice. The ice has a very specific purpose – to keep the drinks cool. And in the case of drinks that require crushed or shaved ice, it adds an element of texture. 

But ice should never add ‘flavor’ to your drinks. Have you ever considered the quality of the water that you make ice from? Does your establishment’s ice machine produce pure, untainted ice?

Water Quality Affects ice Quality

Water from your faucet has been treated and purified, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. If you’re using water from your faucet to produce ice for your bar or larger establishment, you may want to ensure that there’s an extra level of filtration taking place before the water is actually frozen. 

Making certain the ice you serve is as pure as possible is essential. You need to know that your ice-making machine is giving you top-quality ice every time. 

Your customers want the best, and you want to give them the best. 

Is Your ice Machine Producing Quality ice?

So, how do you know if your ice machine is up to scratch? 

Most experts agree that if your ice machine is over 10 years old, it is definitely in need of replacement. The new models on the market are far superior to the old machines – most include an extra filter to ensure quality ice output.

What Exactly are ice Machines?

An ice-making machine is specifically designed to make and store ice cubes (some even make different shapes) so that you always have a ready supply of ice at hand.

When we talk about commercial ice machines, we mean those that can produce enough ice to keep a fairly busy establishment constantly supplied with quality ice. There is a wide range of ice machine options on the market. 

Some are made for larger establishments with a high turnover, while others are best suited for small niche establishments or home bars. For the cocktail or drinks enthusiast, a home ice machine is an absolute ‘must-have’. 

So how exactly does an ice machine differ from a conventional fried or freezer? Why can’t you just use an ice tray and freeze some faucet water?

Types of ice Machine

As we mentioned, it’s all about the water quality! While freezing water from your faucet in an ice tray is fine for home use, if you’ve got paying customers then the quality of the ice should be top-notch. 

That’s why ice machines (such as those in the link we posted earlier) are essential for producing a consistent amount of quality ice for your establishment, and guests. 

Think of it this way: if there are impurities in the water coming into your establishment; you don’t have an extra filter on your faucets, these impurities will be stored in the ice you provide to your customers. 

How Can an ice Machine Help Improve the Quality of Your ice?

Let’s have a look at an example: 

For those who have a smaller commercial establishment, the Snooker Small Ice Machine is one of the most popular and reliable machines. 

Snooker is a leading brand in this market sector with a wide range of options. This model is a stand-alone ice machine that is intended for use in small restaurants or bars. It can manufacture 70lbs of ice cubes in 24hours and stores 22lbs at any one time.

Crucially, the machine includes an in-line water filter. This ensures a further level of protection against potential impurities from your water supply and produced consistent quality ice cubes. 

For larger establishments, the Snooker 350lb Ice Machine is recommended. 

As the name suggests, this far larger machine is intended for bigger premises that use a lot of ice. It can manufacture 350lbs of ice cubes per 24 hours. Storage capacity is 230lb, and it also includes the all-essential additional water filter. 

Which ice Machine Suits Your Specific Needs?

As you’re in the industry, you’ll know that there are various drinks that are always best served with ice. 

Cocktails will undoubtedly use ice, and many shorts and soft drinks too. So, which type of ice-making machine is best for you? 

The first thing you need to do is assess your ice usage across a given week. This will provide you with the data you need to figure out whether you need the larger or smaller Snooker ice machine.

The two models we mentioned above sit at either end of the Snooker range of ice makers and are excellent quality options for the price. 

The smaller model will suit you should you have a bar or smaller outlet that has a regular clientele over a restricted time during the day. 75lbs is a good amount of ice and will keep you in business on a daily basis. 

For larger establishments with a high turnover, and a need for a constant supply of top-quality ice, the Snooker 350lb Ice Machine will ensure your customers are never disappointed. 

Once you know what size ice machine you need, chat with the suppliers to talk about the various options available in your price range. 

Read Also: How to Clean the Inside of Your Industrial Water Tank?

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