The end of a marriage is never pleasant. After all, nobody plans to get divorced.

Unfortunately, divorce is a part of life for many people. It can be especially tricky during uncertain times such as the COVID pandemic when people are unable to move about as freely as in the past.

So the question arises, how are you supposed to move forward with divorce proceedings when your interaction is limited to your phone and the Internet? You’ve come to the right place for answers.

This article looks at tips for navigating the divorce process online. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

More Resources than Ever Before

One of the great things about the Internet is the number of available useful resources. This means that you can do tons of research that can help make the process much less stressful.

There are plenty of resources at your fingertips, including forums that provide limited free legal counsel, help you calculate the cost of divorce, and help you learn the specifics of what to expect when filing for different types of divorce.

Keep in mind that the more you can learn on your own about the process, the less confused you’ll be when speaking to your lawyer or dealing with your soon-to-be-ex.

Social Media Paper Trail

Another aspect of getting divorced in the modern world is the impact of social media. After all, many people tend to share things online that could easily come back to haunt them.

This includes posting photos and videos that they next anticipated being exposed in a court of law. These things can obviously be extremely embarrassing, thus you need to be as mindful as possible about your social media activity.

The Ability to Track Assets

You should also be keenly aware that the Internet makes it easy for spouses to track down assets. For example, your spouse might claim zero income during the past year in order to avoid paying child support or spousal maintenance. And yet online tools make it possible to find out more information than you might have believed possible.

Divorce Form Preparation Services

You can also take advantage of divorce preparation services that are located online. They will have the forms you need, and can often provide guidance on which forms will best serve you for the divorce process.

Check out these tips for coping with a family court case.

Communicate as Much as Possible

Divorce is typically filled with conflict and extreme emotions. And yet it’s important to communicate as much as possible. You might have very little desire to reach out to your spouse or hear the sound of their voice, but establishing an open line of communication can help encourage empathy so that the process is as easy as possible for everyone involved.

If nothing else, get in the habit of chatting online once or twice a week, especially when children are involved.

Resist the Impulse to Cyber-Stalk Your EX

Many people fall prey to the temptation of cyber-stalking their former spouse on social media. This is a bad idea that can quickly result in jealousy, pain, and unnecessary anger. You’ll be much better off avoiding social media altogether until the process is complete.

A Guide to Dealing with Divorce Proceedings Online

Ending a marriage is painful. Fortunately, these tips will help your divorce proceedings be a little more bearable.

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