Calvities are a severe problem common for many men. It’s not that simple to accept the changes in appearance; you don’t have to. Today medicine offers solutions even if the hair loss is irreversible. We talk about hair transplant clinics. 

After the procedure, you’ll regain self-confidence and solve the problem. But it’s true only for high-quality certified clinics offering first-class service. In this post, we will discuss the main factors you should consider while choosing a medical institution for a hair transplant.

Why Turkey?

Nowadays, you can undergo a medical procedure in any part of the world. When it comes to hair transplants, Turkey is a top option. The main advantages of this country are:

  1. comparatively low prices;
  2. first-class surgeons
  3. high quality of service and good results;
  4. cutting-edge technologies.

These factors allow you to receive premium-class medical care and save significant money. No wonder medical tourism is so prevalent in Turkey. Every year the number of people visiting this country for hair transplantation grows.

Start the search for the best Hair Transplant in Istanbul. The most famous and trustworthy clinics are located where. Such cities as Ankara and Izmir come next. They offer plenty of suitable variants as well.

What to Consider Choosing the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey?

Once you decide on the country, it’s time to find the most suitable clinic for your satiation. The average price is lower than in the USA or Europe, but pricing can vary significantly within the country. It means that the first factor you need to think through is your financial capabilities.

The Price

But do not think that all the clinics in Turkey are good. You can find highly tempting offers with unbelievably low prices, but sometimes the quality of such treatment can also be lower. Determine the sum you are willing to spend for the procedure, but don’t let this factor determine your choice. It’s better to wait for a little and save the money you need than to rush and get disappointed by the results. 


It’s an obvious thing, but we have to mention it. A medical institution should have all necessary certifications from the Ministry of Health. Don’t consider other variants, even if the price is tempting. Your health is much more important, don’t risk it trusting the clinics without official approval.

The Surgeon and the Team

The procedure’s success greatly depends on the doctor’s skills and experience. There are a lot of world-known surgeons in Turkey, so you’ll be able to select without any trouble. A great number of good doctors and high competition improve the overall quality even further. 

The medical team is also essential. Learn about professionals included in the process in the clinic you are interested in. For example, not all hair transplant organizations have an anesthesiologist. But it’s a vital team member, and this specialist ensures that there are no complications due to anesthesia. We recommend choosing the clinic where the anesthesiologist is included in the staff.

The Clinic Itself

Make sure that the level of service in the clinic suits you. Apart from the medical treatment, you’ll have to spend several days there, and your comfort is critical. Look at the conditions they offer for clients. This factor can seem unimportant compared to the doctor’s qualification, but it’s not true. 

Any medical procedure is a stress for the body. Don’t worsen the situation by adding more problems. The ward should match your standards of comfort, and the treatment after the procedure dramatically affects your satisfaction level. 

The level of service provided by the clinic means a lot for the speed of the postoperative phase. For example, the anesthesiologist should check how you are dealing with the aftereffects of sedation. 

The Results

Watch the photos of the results. If you like most of them, it’s the best clinic for you. But if you are not satisfied, don’t settle. Keep looking. Your goal is to find the best hair transplant in Istanbul, which can take some time. 

Learn about the type of procedures provided by the clinic. Then, make sure that you can receive the operation you need where.

Clinic’s Recognition and Reputation

Medical institutions with good results can’t remain unnoticed. They have a solid reputation countrywide or even worldwide. So it’s a great factor in selecting quality services. Read reviews and feedback from former patients and ratings from trustworthy resources. In the reviews, pay attention to the details. They’ll give you the impression of different aspects you want to know.

Red Flags

When choosing a hair transplant, you will find a lot of different clinics in Turkey. Here are the things that should raise suspicions. Don’t ignore these warning signs. They are not necessarily a reason to go to another clinic but be twice as careful if you see even one of them.

Extremely Low Price

An attractive first-sight offer can cost you much more than money. Dishonest companies can save money on trained staff or even doctors or neglect the proper hygiene. In the best-case scenario, you’ll be disappointed by the results. 

It doesn’t mean that the most expensive clinic is the best, but the price much lower than average should warn you. Learn more about this clinic and find out why it is so generous. 

Lack of Information

Every clinic wants to promote itself. If you can’t find much information about it on the internet, it’s a distinct red flag. The lack of knowledge in such a competitive field as hair transplantation is unusual. Usually, it means that the clinic doesn’t want to attract attention. It can be a sign of uncertified activities or low quality of service.

For example, if you try to google a well-known HWT Clinic, you’ll find hundreds of results: an informative official site, plenty of reviews, and other information. It’s a sign of a good reputation, and this clinic is not afraid to present itself. But shady organizations don’t like such transparency and prefer to stay out of the spotlight.

Unrealistic Promises

If you had several online consultations and received roughly the same answer, but one clinic promised much more, it’s not a good sign. Real professionals tend to be realistic. They don’t make promises they can’t keep. 

But if the only goal of the clinic is to take your money, they will promise mountains and marvels. We all want to believe in miracles, but it’s better to stay grounded when it comes to health. Don’t let the false hopes trick you.

Lack of Services

Postoperative supervision and all the consultations before the surgery are critical. If the clinic offers only the procedure, finding another one is wiser. The price of such negligence can be too high.

Real professionals include pre-and postoperative consultations and supervision into their services. So it’s a matter of excluding the slightest possibility of complications in any area. That’s why you should trust only the medical institutions that provide the whole complex of services.

The clinic should provide an interpreter if needed. However, professionals won’t let the language barrier stop you from understanding them. Usually, the doctors and consultants speak fluent English, and there are no problems with mutual understanding.

Where to Search for Information

Nowadays, the internet is the first thing that comes to mind when obtaining information. Hair transplantology is not an exception. Start your search with Google. You can visit the official sites of different clinics and compare their prices and offers. On the websites, you can check the government certifications and approvals from the Ministry of Health.

The second place to check is social media. Modern clinics have accounts where you can find before and after photos, clients’ feedback, and even evaluate how the clinic communicates with followers and visitors.

Forums and themed groups are beneficial for finding out the overall reputation of a specific clinic. Read the discussions of pros and cons and conclude. Of course, every medical institution has negative feedback from customers. But if such reviews are high, it’s an excellent reason to consider another clinic.

Take a look at the pictures of former patients. They present the result you will most likely receive. Pay attention not only to the recipient areas but also to the harvest zones. Some doctors pick an excessive amount of hair, and the overall result looks poor. Make sure you like at least 70- 80% of photos. It’s a guarantee that you’ll enjoy your results.


As you can see, Turkey offers great opportunities for hair transplants at reasonable prices. This country’s quality of medical procedures is exceptionally high, and many local doctors can boast worldwide recognition. However, like in any other field, not all companies are reliable. That’s why it’s crucial to make the selection of the clinic seriously. 

Remember that your health is on the table. Use the guidance from this article to structure your search, and listen to your common sense. You’ll receive the best service and save money on the operation.