
10 Proven Ways to Increase Your Website Traffic

There are over 4 billion people using the internet every day.

With such a large pool of users, how do you convince them to visit your site and increase website traffic? 

Figuring out how to get traffic to your website can seem daunting. In this article, we’ll be discussing 10 tips for website traffic and how you can leverage them to boost your online visibility. 

1. Publish Consistent Content

It’s extremely important to get into the habit of posting content regularly, as this will update your site and keep you high on search engine rankings. 

Posting frequently means your audience will always be engaged. They can rely on you for providing them with relevant information week-to-week, or even day to day. 

2. Make List Articles

List articles or “listicles” feature a numbered collection of specific things related to a topic. They’re known to draw readers’ attention and entice them to check out your site.

Studies show that lists help audiences “chunk” the information presented better, causing them to gravitate towards these lists. Creating list articles makes the information more accessible for potential visitors. 

3. Incorporate Trending Keywords

Researching keywords relevant to your business and industry is an effective way of driving organic traffic to your site. Keywords are words and phrases that people use to find content through search engines. 

You can research keywords yourself, or leverage a managed service to find them for you. Either method can help boost your overall traffic.  

4. Create Long-Form Content

While there’s never a “right” length for online content, the more words you write, the better. 

Writing longer content makes it topically relevant and it’s more likely to get social shares. There are also more opportunities to turn readers into customers and increase conversions.

5. Write Engaging Headlines

Just like how list articles can grab people’s attention, so can a well-written headline. 

For example, a headline like “How To Get Traffic To Your Website” might not be as captivating as something like “How To INSTANTLY Get More Traffic To Your Website.”

Inducing a sense of urgency or creating an emotional reaction is a good way to gain traffic. You can also use call-to-actions in a headline to motivate a user. 

6. Use Internal Links

You don’t have to rely on people finding your content through search engines. Creating internal links is an effective way to keep active traffic on your site.

It’s also an opportunity for a user to discover other informative content or even make a purchase. It results in greater SEO and an overall better user experience.  

7. Leverage Email Marketing

If you’re wondering how to get more traffic to your website for free, look no further than emails. While some think email marketing is dead, we beg to differ. 

Starting an email list is a great way to keep one-time visitors coming back to your site. Email marketing might be old-fashioned, but it’s affordable and extremely effective.

Moreover, with the help of email tools, in particular, email validator, you can easily maintain the high reputation of your email account by improving the delivery rate of your campaigns.

8. Start Guest Blogging

Posting blog posts on other sites is a great way to reach new audiences and get new users to visit your site. It’s a mutually beneficial system that drives traffic to your site while providing the host with quality content. 

Be mindful of a site’s guest posting standards and create quality content to drive traffic. 

9. Pay Attention to Analytics

Sites like Google Analytics provide you with plenty of valuable data like visitor demographics and your most popular pages. 

If you’re wondering how to get paid traffic to your site, analytics can give you valuable metrics to inform your marketing and content strategies. Leverage this information to drive your advertising campaigns.  

10. Make Your Site Clutter-Free

While a flashy WordPress theme or website design might seem cool, sites that are cluttered with too much text or graphics can put visitors off before they’ve even seen your content. 

Keep it simple with a lightweight site design that can help to optimize the website for more conversions. Simplicity and usability will make visitors feel more comfortable and improve traffic. 

How to Get Traffic to Your Website Today

Figuring out how to get traffic to your website involves trying out different things. Leverage this article to find the right strategy for boosting your site’s visibility.

For more information on digital marketing, check out the rest of our site!

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